Write Fiction Faster!

We all want to make more progress in writing fiction, whether to push through the 50,000 - 100,000 words needed to complete your novel or just produce more stories in order to get more feedback and grow as a writer.  

How can I write fiction faster?  

Click here to learn more. 

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From Idea to Story:

3 Methods to Develop Your Story Idea

I have this great idea. But that's all it is. Just an idea, not (yet) a story. It needs a beginning, middle, and end to become a story. The mysterious (and intimidating) process of fleshing out the idea into the story — there's the challenge. 

How do I develop a story from just an idea?

Click here to learn more. 

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How to Write Characters Who Stick in the Reader's Mind

What makes a character memorable? If your characters could speak to you, here are the seven things they would ask for in order to be truly memorable, leaping off the page, lodging themselves into the reader's mind:

Click here to learn more. 

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What Makes a Good Story?

Great Scenes!
Here's How to Write Them

It's not enough to have a  great idea, a solid plot, and memorable characters. The story comes alive one scene at a time. 

There are 5 Steps to Write Great Scenes:  Summary, Purpose, Emotional arc, Connections, and Story elements (SPECS).

Click here to learn more. 

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Flash Fiction:  Supercharge Your Writing

What is Flash Fiction, and how can it be used to supercharge your writing?

Flash Fiction is a Short, Sharp, Shocking Story. 

  • Short - less than 1,000 words
  • Sharp - cut to the bone, no wasted words, few characters, few scenes
  • Shocking - strong images, surprise twists, ending that resonates
  • Story - complete plot in miniature, not just a fragment

Writing Flash Fiction SHAPES your writing craft: It will Spark your passion for storytelling, Hone your writing, Accelerate your growth and audience-building, serve as a method for purposeful Practice, provide opportunities to Experiment, and plant Seeds for longer stories. 

Click here to learn more. 

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Blast Through Writer's Block: How to Get Unstuck

I hate writer’s block, that feeling of being stuck and not knowing what to write or how.  So, I decided to take it head-on and learn more about it.

Why do we get writer’s block, and how do we get unstuck?  

Click here to learn more. 

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