What are unreliable narrators and how do I write them? There are 4 Types of Unreliable Narrators (LIAR):
- Lunatic - insane, delusional
- Innocent - naive, manipulated, amnesiac
- Ape - trickster
- Rat - criminal, villain
We will also review 7 Tips and...
I want to improve as a fiction writer, both in my writing craft and the writing process. What is the best way to master the art of writing fiction? Deliberate Practice is a proven 3-step methodology to master any topic, and we can apply it to writing fiction:
TARGET - pick one...
I don’t feel ready to write my story yet, so I think I’ll do some freewriting. What are the benefits of freewriting? Just like playing scales, there are 7 Benefits of Freewriting:
- Warming Up - just start, get into the groove of writing
- Ear - get in tune with writing,...
I want to write fiction with emotional impact, so that the reader feels the sweep of emotions from the beginning to the end of the whole story. What are emotional arcs, and how do I use them to plot a story and character transformation?
There are 6 Emotional Arcs:
- Rise - like...
I want to make the characters in my story come alive. How do I write character descriptions in a story? Consider 3 layers of character description:
SKIN - the “surface” level, the externals
FLESH & BONES - “below surface”, things you could research...
The short story "The Clockwork Craven" was written in the "Character" method, one of the 3 ways to develop an idea into a story. That is: taking a character through a transformation.
Of course, there are **spoilers**, so if you haven't read the story yet, do that first,...
I'm drawing a blank. I want to write fiction, but where do I get the ideas? Try the Story IDEA Formula, where IDEA stands for:
- INSPIRE - get sparks of inspiration from multiple sources
- DELVE - get clear about what you want to write...
I'm in the middle of writing a story and I need to come up with a mind-blowing plot twist. How do I do it? Here are the 5 MAGIC Rules of Plot Twists:
- Misdirect - red herrings, dead ends, misguided attention, stalking horse
- Astonish - a memorable "wow" factor...
The short story "Ravens Hold Grudges" was written in the "Outliner" method, one of the 3 ways to develop an idea into a story. That is: plotting the story in advance of writing it.
Of course, there are **spoilers**, so if you haven't read the story yet, do that first,...
I've written (what I feel is) a great story, but honestly the story starts with a bit of a slow burn, and I've been told that I should come up with a better "hook" to grab the reader from the first line
How do I write a hook that catches the reader's attention from the first line?...
I have a story, but what should I call it? My "working title" feels uninspired, and I know that titles are important to catch readers' attention.
How do I write story titles that catch readers' attention? Follow these 5 Rules for a Great Story Title:...
We all want to make more progress in writing fiction, whether to push through the 50,000 - 100,000 words needed to complete your novel or just produce more stories in order to get more feedback and grow as a writer.
How can I write...