"Miss, we don't serve his kind in this bar." The bartender looked at Susan, not at me, just twitched his head sideways in my general direction, then pointed at the sign: 'No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service ... oh, and No Synths Served'.
"He doesn't drink," Susan said. "Doesn't eat either. He's a...
Creating memorable characters is at the heart of every great story. One of the most effective ways to bring your characters to life is through their speech. But it's not just about what your characters say—it's also about how they say it. Understanding the nuances and depth of character spe...
Craft captivating love interests for your stories. This article covers:
- The Importance of the Love Interest
- Pitfalls - 3 pitfalls and strategies to overcome them
- Types of Love Interest - 7 Types with examples from novels and film
- How to Write the Love Interest - 10 "Commandments" (or ...
The short story "The Coin" was written as an example of the (very rare) story that has no named characters, not even a named Protagonist, not a human one, anyway.
In almost all other stories, it is important to know how to write characters who stick in the reader's mind. "The Coin" is an ...
Look at this coin. Go ahead, take it, hold it.
It is made of pure silver. Can you see how old it is?
The image that is stamped on the front is the head of an emperor who lived more than two thousand years ago.
Yes, two thousand years is a really long time, but even before then a lot had hap...
I want to make my characters stand out with vivid, memorable cues for readers. Character "tags" are distinct elements that differentiate characters from one another, helping the reader identify them easily. How do I write character tags? Consider 9 types of character tags in fiction:
- Name –...
"Give me what I want, and no-one gets hurt."
"I know that voice." Marshall Calhoun swiveled on the barstool. "Silas McReady. Ol' Lead Heart."
"In the flesh."
"Been a while."
"Fifteen years, Ethan. Long time."
"What's with the gun, Silas?"
"Wanted to start this off on the right foot. Hear...
In fiction writing, creating characters that resonate with readers is crucial. One powerful way to achieve this is through your character's inner thoughts. These introspections add layers to the character, making them feel real and relatable. Let's explore why inner thoughts are a game-chan...
The flash fiction story "What Could Be Worse?" was written in the "Character" method, one of the 3 ways to develop an idea into a story. That is: take a central character through a character arc or transformation, based on the idea, developing the story around this character transformation....
Nothing captures readers' imaginations quite like a well-crafted hero. This article will cover:
- Who is the Hero (vs. "Main Character" and "Protagonist") - hint, they're not always the same character
- Why we need heroes - 3 reasons a well-crafted hero is great for your story
- Pitfalls whe...
The traveling salesman was alone in the train compartment, still shaken from what he had seen. Why had she done it?
"May I join you?"
Not waiting for a reply, the man in black sat down across from the salesman, but did not introduce himself. In fact, he turned his head to look ...
“I give up! It’s all shit!”
“I said that out loud, didn’t I?” The burly, bearded man knocks back the last slug of the cheap whiskey, motions at the bartender for another, and swivels on the bar stool, eyes bleary.
“Of what do you speak?” The small man with the fantastic mustaches ...