This is Part 4 (the final part) of the story.
If you haven't read Part 1 or Part 2 or Part 3 yet, please start there.
Bice is dead.
And our party is now down to thirty men, three women.
Twenty fighters left last night, joined the other cowards.
There is no way, no way now, that we c...
This is Part 2 of the story.
If you haven't read Part 1 yet, please start there.
We find Segundo some distance from the camp. Why did he leave the safety and security of our little huddle of tents, alone? Had someone, something, tempted and tricked him to leave the camp?
Primero is inc...
You wake to the singing.
The soft voices have infiltrated your dream, become part of it, carry you with them into the waking world. You, who normally sleep heavy and wake from a deep, black unremembered. This time, because of the singing, the dream is still with you, all of it clear, remember...
"Stay down. Face on the floor, hands on the back of your head. You're doing good. Be smart, and nobody dies today."
Sal makes a fist, pumps it up and down rapidly, military tactical hand signal: Time to go. Hurry up.
Rhett — carrying two large, black, ballistic-nylon duffle bags st...