Mastering Character Tropes and Counter-Tropes (by Genre) characters writing craft Sep 07, 2024




 Unlock the Secrets of Crafting Unforgettable Characters

In the world of storytelling, characters are the heartbeat of any narrative. For fiction writers and avid readers alike, understanding character tropes and their counter-tropes is essential. In this article, we'll explore the signi...

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In Search of the Best Mystery Writers lists mysteries Jun 15, 2024



I want to develop the definitive list of the best mystery writers. Who are the best mystery writers (and how do we know that they are, in fact, the very best)? 

Consider 3 dimensions for discovering the best mystery writers:

  1. Peer Recognition – writers (and their mystery novels) that are high...
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Story: "In the Mysterious Distance" fiction short story Jun 15, 2024



The sunset makes the darkening sky blush and adds rose highlights to the emerald water. A young couple, a man and a woman, perhaps in their early twenties, tanned and trim, golden-skinned in their bathing suits, have their beach blankets spread on the white sand. They sit close together, facin...

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Writing Together writing process May 27, 2024



Writing is a solitary occupation. But does it have to be?

There are several ways of making writing less solitary, in fact there's a whole spectrum. Here are three examples:

  1. The Light Touch: Writing Accountability (and Inspiration) Groups
  2. The Safe Challenge: Writing Contests
  3. The Shared Cr...
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Story: "The Bestiarium of Shinsuke Manu" fiction short story May 27, 2024



The Bear Inn, Oxford, Nazi-Occupied Britain, 1947


SS-Sturmbannführer Ewald von Haupt walks into the pub.

In one moment, a pleasant, warm cacophony — loud voices, clinking glasses, laughter, singing — in the next, a chilled sudden silence, heads turning and all eyes darting in the tall, b...

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Story: "West of the River of Doubt" fiction short story Apr 27, 2024



From the diary of Kermit Roosevelt, the second son of Theodore Roosevelt, found in the estate of his younger sister, Esther Roosevelt.


Sunday, February 27, 1927, Rondônia, Brazil


Thirteen years the nightmare has haunted me. 

I have blamed myself, pushed everyone away — everyone except...

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Story: "Fairest" fiction flash fiction Nov 25, 2023



Looking into my reflective surface, she whispers:

"Mirror, Mirror. Who is fairest of them all?"

I always answer:

"Your majesty, you are fairest of all."

... and then I show her the very best social images of herself, the ones that are curated (by me) for the combination of most views and h...

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How To Develop Character Motivations characters writing craft Nov 25, 2023



I want to write characters with motivations that drive the story and the character arc. How do I develop  character motivations? Consider 9 types of character motivations:

  1. Physiological needs – basic survival instinct (hunger, thirst, sleep, shelter)
  2. Safety and security – protection from h...
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How To Write Layered Characters characters writing craft Oct 21, 2023



I want to write complex, layered characters that feel real and are interesting and memorable. How do I write layered characters? Consider 11 contrasts that create layered characters in fiction:

  1. External vs Internal – external actions, appearances, role in society vs. internal thoughts, feel...
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Story: "Me, Myselves, and Murder" fiction short story Oct 21, 2023



“Are you hungry?”

I open my eyes and see … me.

Well, it’s me, but a me that’s a bit older. This version of me is a very distinguished me, slim, dressed in a three piece suit, with gray thinning hair and a trim gray beard and mustache.

I’m in a recliner chair, upholstered in the softest leat...

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How To Write Character Quirks characters writing craft Oct 14, 2023



I want to write well-rounded characters with quirks that makes them interesting and memorable. How do I write character quirks? Consider 9 types of character quirks in fiction:


  1. Physical - appearance and body habits, physical traits, features, mannerisms
  2. Personality - temperament, attitu...
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Writing Process: "His Wounds Green" writing craft writing process Oct 14, 2023



The flash fiction story "His Wounds Green" was written in the "Pantser" method, one of the 3 ways to develop an idea into a story. That is: by the seat of my pants, using no outline, making it up as I went along. 


The story was inspired by this writing prompt:

Write a story tha...

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