Write Fiction Faster! — How to Speed Up Your Story Writing writing craft May 31, 2022



We all want to make more progress in writing fiction, whether to push through the 50,000 - 100,000 words needed to complete your novel or just produce more stories in order to get more feedback and grow as a writer.  

How can I write fiction faster?  Use these five steps to write fiction fast...

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What Makes a Good Story? — Great Scenes! Here's How to Write Them characters plot scenes writing craft May 15, 2022



It's not enough to have a  great idea, a solid plot, and memorable characters. The story comes alive one scene at a time. 

How do I write scenes?  Use these 5 Steps to Write Great Scenes:

  1. Write a SUMMARY of the scene
  2. Get clear about the PURPOSE of the scene within the story
  3. Tune in to th
  4. ...
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Flash Fiction Online: Read, Publish, Compete competitions publishing writing craft Apr 04, 2022



Reading Flash Fiction is fun, and also a great way to get inspired.

Writing Flash Fiction can also be a great way to supercharge your writing

Here I have compiled a curated shortlist of good online flash fiction websites (plus a link to a very impressive curated list of contests.) These we...

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Flash Fiction: How To Use It To Supercharge Your Writing writing craft Apr 04, 2022



You may have noticed that in this blog, I sometimes use Flash Fiction (and other short fiction) to help illustrate concepts so they come alive. Writing about fiction is fun, but actually writing fiction is even more fun.

What is Flash Fiction, and how can it be used to supercharge your writin...

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How to Write Characters Who Stick in the Reader's Mind characters writing craft Mar 15, 2022



I was preparing for NaNoWriMo, and the story I wanted to write needed a lot of colorful and memorable characters. This made me think about the importance of memorable characters that stick in the reader’s mind.

What makes a character memorable? If your characters could speak to you, here are ...

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Remember My Name: How to Name Your Characters characters writing craft Mar 15, 2022



We know that character names are an important element in writing characters who stick in the reader's mind. There’s the famous (and true!) story that Margaret Mitchell originally named her “Gone With the Wind” heroine “Pansy”, not quite as memorable as “Scarlett”. But how do I pick memorable, ...

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Blast Through Writer's Block: How to Get Unstuck writing craft Mar 15, 2022



I hate writer’s block, that feeling of being stuck and not knowing what to write or how.  So, I decided to take it head-on and learn more about writer’s block.

Why do we get writer’s block, and how do we get unstuck?  Writer’s block is due to perfectionism, fear, story problems, lack of insp...

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Writing Process: "Getaway" plot writing craft writing process Feb 15, 2022



The flash fiction story "Getaway" was written in the "Outliner" method, one of the 3 ways to develop an idea into a story. That is: plotting the story in advance of writing it.

Of course, there are **spoilers**, so if you haven't read the story yet, do that first (flash fiction = a very fast ...

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Story: "Getaway" fiction flash fiction outliner Feb 15, 2022

     "Stay down. Face on the floor, hands on the back of your head. You're doing good. Be smart, and nobody dies today."

      Sal makes a fist, pumps it up and down rapidly, military tactical hand signal: Time to go. Hurry up.

     Rhett  carrying two large, black, ballistic-nylon duffle bags st...

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From Idea to Story: 3 Methods to Develop Your Story Idea characters fictionmap plot writing craft Feb 15, 2022



I have this great idea. But that's all it is. Just an idea, not (yet) a story. It needs a beginning, middle, and end to become a story. The mysterious (and intimidating) process of fleshing out the idea into a story  there's the challenge. 

How do I develop a story from just an idea? There a...

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